Chris Countryman, LCSW is a social worker in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana. He received his MSW from Loyola University of Chicago and his MA in Religious Studies from Christian Theological Seminary. He has advanced clinical training in chemical dependency and chaplaincy and more than 20 years of experience in various types of counseling.

He is licensed by the State of Indiana as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and holds the highest certifications in chemical dependency counseling on the state and national levels. He also serves as a lecturer at Christian Theological Seminary in Pastoral Theology and Psychology.

Chris has written two books about getting internet pornography out of your life, and is available to speak to your church or organization about addictions, Internet pornography, "sexting," and other issues related to healthy use of digital media.

Call or e-mail today for more information...


Chris Countryman

Contact Us

"I look forward to meeting with you..."

                                                            Chris Countryman, LCSW


740 E. 52nd St. Suite 10

Indianapolis, IN 46205


(317) 414-1296
